CRM Software for B2C and Charities

CRM Software Customization for B2C and Charities

CRM Customization

Every organization is different so we made Amphis Customer customizable so you can easily tailor it to your needs.

Charity CRM Software

Maybe you are a charity and you need to record whether your contacts are interested in volunteering or donating money or both. Maybe they might be interested in hearing about charitable events by telephone or receiving general news letters. No problem, you can easily customize the Custom tab to store the details you need and you can rename the tab to something more suitable.

Charity Software

B2C CRM Software

Or perhaps you are a B2C business or even a pet shop and your clients are cats and dogs not businesses so you don't need fields like Company Name, Company Number and Company Web Site. No problem, you can simply customize a few standard fields from Options->Customize Standard Fields and create a few custom fields on the Custom tab and you can easily have this.

Pet Software

and this...

Vet Software

This is the set of Standard Field you can change.

Customize Standard Fields

You can also create your own customer history entry types to store whatever you need to store. For example a charity might record an application form from a person wishing to volunteer to walk dogs. This could be stored in a new history type you create called VOLUNTEER APPLICATION for example and you could scan in their application and attach it to the entry. New history types or document types can be created from Tools->Maintain Templates.

Customize CRM History

You can organize contacts into groups eg all those interested in volunteering or all those interested in donating. Contacts can belong to many groups or even none at all. You can mail merge to create documents for all contacts in a group.

You can also create custom reports showing for example all contacts who have submitted volunteer applications in the last 6 months.

Web and Mobile access to your CRM Data

For information on Web and Mobile access to your CRM Data including using iPhone, iPad, Android, Mac, Windows Phone and other phones and tablets, see Web and Mobile access to CRM Data.

Web CRM Software

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